As a Political Blogger, I Gave Up on This Election



When fear overcomes logic, we fail.

When fake media prevails over reality, we fail.

When your opinion is stronger than the facts, we fail.

When Facebook is your political presence, we fail.

When our American brothers and sisters live in fear, we fail.

When climate change is denied, we fail.

When you ridicule special needs, we fail.

When you are too ashamed to talk about your vote, we fail.

When you want to ban Muslims, we fail.

When you “grab her by the pussy”, we fail.

When you want to build that wall, we fail.

When you bully her, we fail.

When you glorify a dictator, we fail.

When you call a Mexican a rapist, we fail.

When you rank women with a mere number, we fail.

When you call her a “fat pig”, we fail.

When the KKK rallies your success, we fail.

When the President-elect has a degree in reality TV, we fail.

When you hate, we fail.

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The Striking Similarities between Trump and Sanders

Currently, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are leading the Republican and Democratic races in popularity. While they stand at opposite ends of the spectrum – they stand in similarity. America’s anger for obscure candidates and policies peaks through in the political revolution these two candidates have conducted. The unconventionality and surprise surrounding these candidates are a product of American rage.


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Why A Facebook Post isn’t Enough in Politics

I think the idea of a political revolution is wonderful, and absolutely in line with my beliefs. And when I found a candidate who sang the song of my heart, I was undoubtedly excited. And I know he struck a cord with many other people my age. I’m talking about millenial’s very own sweetheart: Bernie Sanders.

But the problem lies here: YOUNG PEOPLE DO NOT VOTE. Whether we are too busy reading about Kanye West’s twitter feuds or catching up on a new season of New Girl on Netflix, we do not take the time to vote.

McGill students film their vote mob video for the 2011 federal election on campus. Apr 14 2011
McGill students film their vote mob video for the 2011 federal election on campus. Apr 14 2011

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Carly Fiorina – A Woman Against Women

Has there ever been a woman with so much power working against women?

Photo courtesy of Frederic J. Brown, AFP/Getty Images
Photo courtesy of Frederic J. Brown, AFP/Getty Images

When I think of a presidential candidate being a woman, I am beaming. Thinking of a woman holding a role that has been held by a man since its creation is truly revolutionary. However, when that woman is actively working to erase women’s rights, I would rather her not succeed. That “her” is GOP candidate Carly Fiorina.

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Ben Carson vs. Bill Cosby

Ben Carson is indeed an incredibly accomplished man. Carson has amassed astounding success as a neurological surgeon and has created history with his astonishing track record of medical success. He cites receiving over 67 honorary doctorate degrees on his website,, as well as the receiving the much coveted Presidential Medal of Freedom under the term of President George W. Bush, as well as being honored by the Library of Congress as well. Carson also stands as the surgeon completing the first operation separating Siamese twins in 1987.  

Despite his undeniable contributions to the world of medicine, I believe he must focus on his strengths. And when it comes to politics, Ben should honor his Hippocratic Oath to “First, Do No Harm.”

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Jeb Bush’s Campaign Strategy Leaked

Someone leaked Jeb’s campaign strategy. The PowerPoint reveals a campaign strategy aimed at attacking Marco Rubio, fluffing Jeb’s ego with falsely calculated statistics, and spending ridiculous amounts of money.

Jeb needs to fire his campaign crew immediately. Not only did the strategy leak, but the campaign’s inconceivable flaws also leaked.

The First Slide
The First Slide

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Jeb Bush: Mex-America

Jeb, John Ellis Bush (JEB) is running for President. Jeb is a shadow of a failed economy, the failed Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, and the catastrophic Hurricane Katrina. He carries the weight of his brother haphazardly on his shoulders, scurrying to salvage his tainted last name. Jeb is the looming Bush, a final attempt to global domination by the Bush family.

When you peel away his need to fulfill his family’s goals – he is a torn man. His most interesting aspects are not his political views, but rather his deeper immediate family issues.

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